A Customized Booking Engine for your Park City Wedding

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The easiest way to turn your guest’s Park City wedding travels into a vacation.

We have a little secret about your Park City wedding: your big day can last longer than a day. Whether you’re from just down the road in Utah or from a three-hour plane ride away, this destination spot offers a beautiful backdrop and a weekend (or more) worth of wedding activities. But sometimes, coordinating your wedding guests, their plus ones, and their kids is more stressful than planning your wedding. But, it doesn’t need to be.

Getting in touch with a hotel, guessing the perfect number of rooms that your guests will need, and finding something that will fit everyone’s wants and desires can be a nightmare. Skip the hassle of room blocks and the chaos of “no I wanted a room with two beds” and let Stay Park City build you and your loved one a customized booking engine for your guests. Plus, an optional 5% of each reservation will be returned as a gift to the couple or a donation to a cause of their choice. Here’s how it works:


Step 1: Tell us a Bit About Yourself
Your booking engine should be about you, so we ask you to tell your story, why you chose Park City for your wedding, share a few pictures, and link it to your official wedding page. And of course, give us your wedding dates.

Park City Wedding Hotels

Step 2: Pick Your Favorite Hotels
Choose a few of your favorite local hotels that you would recommend to your guests. We’ll mark them as your favorites, steering your guests to book at a few select properties. And, if they don’t want to be with the party, they have the option of booking a variety of other accommodations throughout town.

Park City Wedding Lodging

Step 3: Share with your Guests
Let your guests know to book your favorite hotels so you can hang out with them all weekend/week/month long. It’s as easy as sharing your customized link.

Step 4: Get the Gift 
There’s no better gift than the gift of friendship and family. The cash gift you get is just an added benefit. When your wedding guests book through your booking site, it turns into an optional 5% gift for you or donation to a cause of your choice. Bringing everyone together never felt so good.

Park City Wedding Hotels


Get Started
If you are interested in creating a specialized booking engine for your upcoming wedding, email hello@stayparkcity.com and we’ll get you started.

If you’re looking for the ins and outs of venues, caterers, bridal shops, and more in Park City, read How to Plan Your Park City Wedding.

Who doesn't like cool, free stuff?

We hope you do. If your reservation is over $500, we have something extra special for ya as a token of our appreciation. Upon booking, you’ll have the opportunity to select a Stay Park City YETI mug, Stay Park City shirt and hat, or a $30 gift card to Red Rock Junction.

YETI mug
Redrock Park City Junction
Stay Park City Hat and Shirt
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